Establishing a new strategic delivery office capability
Client name
VocalinkLondon, Peterborough, UK
Length of EA assignment
12 months
Number of EA Consultants provisioned

Our client, Vocalink, acquired by Mastercard in 2017, is an innovative payment company, operating in a highly competitive market-place.
They sought a consulting partner who was able to advise on requirements and ultimately support implementation of a strategic delivery office (SDO) capability. The premise of which was to better prioritise, and execute enhanced controls, without negatively impacting the pace of delivery.
We set about focussing all early attention on the requirements for an SDO capability. Working in close unison with SMEs to hone in on processes and ways of working deemed highest priority.
At the outset, we defined an approach that would leverage what already existed, ensuring therefore that the scope was tightly managed and that new operating models were an evolution vs. entirely new. We were laser focussed on not adding complexity.
The SDO requirements were split into several areas, e.g.: project management, PMO, resource and capacity, planning, prioritisation and assurance. Our team worked in close unison with Management as they evolved their Org-Design in parallel with this work. It was important to be explicit on what process, tool, product sat within which function, and to define true accountability.
We workshopped high level requirements, based on an analysis and understanding of what existed today, and our outside in perspective on what net new processes would add value to the clients pursuit of speedier route to benefits. Once signed off and agreed by Management, we extended our engagement to help the BAU organisation implement and evolve the elements of the SDO, specifically the PMO and Project functions. We worked in close collaboration with the newly formed leadership, guiding and ensuring stickiness on new ways of working. In parallel, we provided a Senior Consultant to help manage and deliver a key strategic project, utilising new processes and ways of working. Thus evidencing value from the new processes.
Result / Impact
Enhanced ControlTransparency of the projects portfolio led to better decision making and early intervention on at risk initiatives. Project risks were under active management control
Prioritised WorkstackProduction of a matrix, which targeted axis data focussed on speed to benefit, complexity, underpinned by resourcing and capacity data, led to improved understanding of priorities at management levels
Upskilled BAU Project OrgImplementing new and improved ways of working led to enhanced skills and competencies within the delivery teams. We worked closely with the delivery community in a way that ensured execution was the focus, not just new PMO processes that added to workloads
Increased VelocityStreamlining and removing limited value processes created more bandwidth and time for the delivery teams to focus in on executing their plans. Higher output was apparent, evidenced through new KPIs, especially those that mattered most

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